The Smokery - a film

I've been lining up a lot more film work recently. Here's my first - hopefully one of many! I visited The Weald Smokery in Kent to shadow their Head Smoker, Wayne, for a day. They produce wonderful smoked produce, from salmon and chicken, to cheddar and stilton. Andrew heads the team there who are all friendly and, dare I say, passionate about their produce. Along with their delicatessen, The Weald Smokery is named 'Best Artisan Producer' and 'Best Delicatessen in the South East'. Wayne has also been proudly awarded with 'The Balvenie Masters of Craft' for his work.

Thanks to Wayne for being so welcoming and allowing me such an interesting insight into the smoking process.

Music: Cathedral - Her Eyes

I recently visited The Weald Smokery in Kent to shadow their Head Smoker, Wayne, for a day. They produce wonderful smoked produce, from salmon and chicken, to cheddar and stilton. Andrew heads the team there who are all friendly and, dare I say, passionate about their produce. Along with their delicatessen, The Weald Smokery is named 'Best Artisan Producer' and 'Best Delicatessen in the South East'. Wayne has also been proudly awarded with 'The Balvenie Masters of Craft' for his work. Thanks to Wayne for being so welcoming and allowing me such an interesting insight into the smoking process. Music: Cathedral - Her Eyes


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